
Real Estate Document Management On Salesforce

Real estate development organizations encounter more pressure to keep the costs down as the content needed to manage the business grows. These businesses face unique challenges as they strive to manage a variety of documents and analyze thousands of contracts and lease terms while maximizing productivity and customer service. 

Why Should You Use S-Drive For Real Estate Document Management? ​

Secure Sensitive Documents ​

With S-Drive, documents like offers, contracts, comparable sales reports, surveys and appraisals, titles, disclosures, loan agreements, leases, and more can be managed and accessed from just one place – using any criteria you choose.

Increase Efficiency By Easing Access

S-Drive makes it easy to access information on the go using your notebook PC or mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Upload real estate pictures on Salesforce via S-Drive and publish these pictures on your website or distribute them via links and emails.

Save Time By Automating Processes

Make the process for offers, contracts, disclosures, and other important real estate documents go more smoothly than ever with S-Drive automation capabilities.

By eliminating your dependence on manual processes and paper documents, you can increase transaction speed, decrease mistakes and get your deals closed faster – all at a lower cost.